Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Because we are both

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Because we are both

(This poem was written in 2009)

Because we are both women
I know that you calculate actions
I know that you love it when people are running after you
I know that you feel less beautiful if no one does

Because we are both women
I know that you wait more than you move first
You tease through actions
You try to get what you want but act as if you are unsure

Because we are both women
I know that you want to share your Vicky-Christina Barcelona life 
I also know that you are aware that every experience you share is a dagger
But as a woman, I know that hurting means ownership

Because we are both women
I know that simple things can change your mind
And when confronted, you easily deny in defense 
This time, you cannot calculate

Because we are both women
It's hard to deal with you
Your moods, your swings, your stubborn character and close minded actions
And I want to break free never to see you again

But because we are both women
I rely on your company
Bad or good I should deal with you around
Even if you are killing me

Sometimes I wish I would be a man
so that I would not be obliged
I could easily throw away thoughts, emotions and attachments
I would not have to leave still carrying you around

But because we are both women
I understand you
and hate that I do at the same time

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