Wednesday, May 4, 2011


written by Glorypearl Dy

Pocket that silly grin.
Wondering 10years, two hours to fill in.
How are your afternoon coming?
Do you still strum the golden strings?

I heard you skip soda for beer
and counted lips to lick and hearts to tear.
But I still see us in the alley where the branches sketch on the sky
and you grin, sigh, blew the cotton grasses on my eye.

Lets climb the jungle gym
and fall together as this ends.
Like kids relive, we shall roll on the high way
but make sure to wave the night from a distant away. 

I  am now certain that it was not a dream, though it felt it.
To hold your hand on the backyard swing.
Your ear on my lap while the moon stares.
No kiss but butterflies up our haven glares.

Now here we are staring  just a handful away.
How are you? Yes, it really is that hard to stay.
Because time has changed and I have that and this
and you have aged, I know, it is a bliss.

For this last moment, lets just runway to the setting of the night
and breath cold air without cotton on our eyes
This time, no recalling, there isn't a need to kiss
because we have reminisced everything we missed.


  1. so beautiful... I can imagine, if this were given tune and with the right arrangement, this poem can also turn into one classic song :D... again beautiful

  2. Anonymous!!! can you tune this for me whoever you are? please? hehe

  3. This is very moving...

  4. I think I have composed the music for this great poem. =)


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